Explain the continuity of the function f = |x| at x = 0.



Question: Explain the continuity of the function f = |x| at x = 0.


From the given function, we define that,

f(x) = {-x, if x<0 and x, if x≥0

It is clearly mentioned that the function is defined at 0 and f(0) = 0. Then the left-hand limit of f at 0 is

Limx→0- f(x)= limx→0- (-x) = 0

Similarly for the right hand side,

Limx→0+ f(x)= limx→0+ (x) = 0

Therefore, for the both left hand and the right hand limit, the value of the function coincide at the point x = 0.

Therefore, the function f is continuous at the point x =0.


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